Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Personal Feelings from a Fellow Blogger

When reading the blog posted by Meg, a classmate, I see that she is making her stance known about race and infidelity in our government. This blog shows that there are Americans who spend way too much time focusing on small petty stuff of the government official’s personal lives and not on the Government itself. Meg has stated that she hates the fact that some Americans are having a hard time getting over the fact that Mr. Obama is an African American. I know that there are people who are not “color blind” and who think that because of his skin color he will not lead this country very well. I understand her point of view and feel like no matter what the color of his skin Mr. Obama is our President and we should all respect him. If he fails, our country fails that is the problem we should be concentrating on how to get our country back on the right track. I wish there was a little more of a point about what people are saying and why it is wrong.
The other issue that Meg says people are focusing on is the infidelity of our government officials. I do believe that our leaders should realize that there are people of all ages who look up to them. Even if you are human and can make mistakes that there are some mistakes that make Americans questions your loyalty.
I think Meg did a good job on her post, a little more back up to what she is expressing and why would be a wonderful addition.

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