Thursday, August 6, 2009


Is it crazy how addicted to texting our culture is? Instant communications seems to be the way the technology is working, but I feel like our need for instant gratification is killing us. We all suddenly have realized the dangers and now the government is trying to restrict its use. This slow moving circle has been going on for a long time in our country. Remember when smoking was cool? There were tons of movies that had actress making it seems so wonderful. Some years later here come all the TV ads and the government saying it will kill you. I guess the same thing is starting on texting.
Most people think that the best way to solve this problem is to make everything hands free. I believe that idea is bogus. Talking on your cell phone could be just as dangerous as texting. There have been studies that show that drivers that are talking have delayed reactions just like those who are drunk. U.S Secretary of Transportation says, “The bottom line is, we need to put an end to unsafe cell phone use, typing on blackberries and other activities that require drivers to take their eyes off the road and their focus away from driving.” There are so many people who are losing their lives over texting it is time for some national attention.
There is not only people going to jail for killing while they have been texting. There are also others, many more that are dying because they could not wait to text.
Rachel Begg, 19 just went to prison for four years after causing the death of a grandmother. Rachel was texting while she ploughed into the grandmother’s car at 70 mph.

Ashley Miller, 18, went in to oncoming traffic and hit another car head on killing her and a mother of 1. These are just two of the cases that are among the millions that have happened.

There is many campaigns that are trying to draw more attention to the fact that Americans are dying while texting. They are working hard to get the government to help install laws that will prohibit the use of cell phones while driving. Zero Fatalities is one of the more influential groups. This group reminds people that irresponsible driving will not only affect you, but someone else’s father, mother, sister, brother, etc. In Texas there are not many laws or bans that prohibit texting while driving. School bus drivers seem to the people who are the most restricted. The Governors Highway Safety Association has put together a list of states and the laws it has in place. With all of these groups, associations and individuals speaking out it is now time for the government to help get laws passed. “The danger is too great to do nothing,” is what was said by Sen. Bob Menendez. The bill that has been introduces by a group of senators is that the states have two years to enact their own bans, or they would lose their 25% of their federal highway money. This bad would apply to all cars that are moving, and would not apply to vehicles that are stopped or pulled over to the side of the road. Other bills state that if you are not old enough to buy alcohol then you cannot text while driving. A $200 dollar fine would be handed out to all persons under 21 that were caught in the act. It is true that these bills have not become laws and there is still much heated debate on how, when and where to fine or stop someone. When people are driving recklessly with an invincible attitude, I doubt they're thinking of the far-reaching consequences. I feel as if we should do whatever it takes to make sure our streets and roads are safe for all persons to drive.

1 comment:

  1. If texting didn't kill them something else would... they all suffer from bad judgement.
