Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor ~ Could Be Supreme Court Judge


When I walk past the court house I look up and see Lady Justice and how she is blindfolded and her scales are equal it makes me happy to know that justice is equal. To me it is amazing how much controversy you see in the White House over who is going to be named Supreme Court Judge. I have been following this story since President Obama nominated Sonia Sotomayor for Supreme Court Judge. There are many people who think that Mrs. Sotomayor will not be a good judge because of her possible indication of bias on gender or race. She has been known for saying, “a wise Latina woman should be able to reach a better ruling than a white man,” and for the wide spread “white firefighter” case. The New Haven firefighter case is not simply an issue of preference for minorities -- it was an issue of whether New Haven would be sued for possibly having a test that was prejudicial to minorities. I have two things to say about that: one, no written test can completely determine someone's ability to lead other people. I could do brilliantly on the GEDs, for example, but that doesn't qualify me to be the head of an English department. Secondly, many legal scholars believe that the ruling (which wasn't just Sotomayor) was far more in keeping with the law -- whether you agree with that law and precedent than the one issued by the Supremes. It is hard to choose a side on whether or not Sonia Sotomayor should be a Supreme Court Judge. I do believe that as a Latino woman she should be proud of where she is and how much of a role model she is being for other women today. I also think that when she said,” her personal and professional experiences help her listen and understand, with the law always commanding the result in every case” says a lot about her work. I hope that I never have to go before the Supreme Court, but if I did I would be glad that there is a Judge that is rigorously committed to applying the law. I think it is important for citizens to know who is appointed to the highest court and who is upholding the law of our country.

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