Monday, July 20, 2009

No Cheating Democrats

This blog is written by Ann Coulter, who is the author of seven New York Times bestsellers. She is a litigator for the Center for Individual Rights in Washington D.C. dedicated to defense of individual rights with emphasis on freedom of speech, civil rights, and freedom of religion. Ann Coulter also has a blog that is widely known for her strong views about Democrats. Ann is a little ticked off by the “extra votes” found by a heavily Democratic town. She is directing this blog to everyone really. It seems she would like to get a rise out of Democrats and she would like for the Replublicans to know she is on their side. Throughout the whole blog she references different events that show how Democrats cheated their way in politics. Most people by the end of this article would be outraged by how many re-votes and different elections that were held in order to correct the mistakes.

To me the basic argument is that Democrats are willing to do anything to make sure that only Democrats win, even cheat. As you read the blog you can see tons of different instances where an election was won by a Republican and the Democrats are the ones who want a recount, or who want them to vote again. After reading this blog I kind of feel as if some Republicans have been taken advantage of. The government should step in and make sure that all voting is done correctly the first time and there should be a better way of checking to see if the counts are correct.

To me Ann does a good job in getting people to see that what is going on is wrong and that something should be done. I did not know that there was so much power on the Democratic side to make certain states re-vote. I also cannot believe after all that has happened the Government has not already out something in place to stop it all. As we all know being an elected official is a chore in its self. Having to have people vote for you is hard enough, but try having to get them to do it twice. I do not think any one wins here. People may think that the Democrats are winning, but really they are hindering the Government from working properly.

For complete story please go to:

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